Monday, April 16, 2007


One of my former students is all grown up and giving her first grown-up recital next month!
It's cool because I live 250 miles away and haven't heard her play in years, yet she invited me to come to her recital.
It's exciting!

Excerpt from her lj -

I'm more excited for Julie to come down. She hasn't heard me play since I was in 7th grade. . . . I've seen her since then, but I haven't played for her that I recall. And she was my first violin teacher, so her opinion is honestly what matters most, at least as far as other people go.

I admit that part of me sats up a little taller and smiled.
(*I* have the opinion that matters most!)
But mostly I'm excited to listen as a "connoisseur" instead of listening as a teacher.
It's going to be fabulous -
And I can't wait for her recital!