Thursday, April 21, 2005


Notes from Emily's Presentation
"Non-profit" is a tax status, not a business policy or procedure (McLaughin)

Notes from Laurie's Presentation
Interesting book - Out of Our Minds - Ken Robinson

Notes from Kate's Presentation
Change vs. Transition
Change is event, Transition is everything before/after - including psychological implications

Notes from Danielle's Presentation
Museum = Built to honor the Muses" - hence the name.

Notes from Jusin's Presentation
Brining in community (similar to "authentic voice")

Notes from Maria's Presentation
Most common types of interpersonal conflict -
Pseudo conflict,
Fact conflict,
Value conflict,
Policy conflict,
Ego conflict.

Notes from Louise's Presentation
Volunteering is a luxury.
Organizations generally experience cyclical stress

Notes from Vicki's Presentation
1. Arts entertainment - teach how to be a patron. No participation
2. Arts exposure - students have some prior experience with form
3. Arts Enrichment -

Notes from Kristin's Presentation
10% of nouns in a 2 year old's vocabulary are Brand Names (!!!)

Still exhausted. Hoping to snap out of it today (So I can play all weekend!!)