Sunday, April 17, 2005


Don & Chris, and Diane, who proved that one could live with family while getting a Masters -- and then modeled graceful ways to do it! Thank You!

Mr.S - one of the first WDM parents to find out about my plans, and the first one that didn't laugh at the idea or try to talk me out of it. Thank you!

Steph has been an encouraging little voice of approval and cool-ness since 1998. Thank you!

Ryan, who made a beautiful autography book for me - and got half the world to sign it. I keep the book in my "Pep Talk Box" for all those BLAH-sort of days. Thank you!


My classmates - for being incredibly awesome! I love having conversations with you all (where else can I laugh while violently disagreeing!) You are the best discussion people - Thank you!

Faith who gave me a chance at the last possible minute, made some terriffic introductions, and then resigned so I could play Education Director. Thank you!

Jon - for handeling emergency tech support issues when my compuer started flamiing hours before one of my many papers were due. Thank you!

Thomas & Kim gave encouraging blog comments over the last few months - Thank you!

The VW Family allowed me to take over their basement for three years. And let me use their computer for two years. And allowed me to take completely over run their kitchen table durring those two tortorous weeks in Feb. - Thank You!

Blog People That I've Never Met and kept me entertained, and provided a distraction when I couldn't possibly do any more work. Thank You!

Jo - for being completely awesome and taking me on as an intern. Thank you!

Jamie N. - for telling me, "You're not stupid, Financial Management is HARD!" Thank you!

Phil - for not getting too annoyed with me when I took over his room and trashed the place this semester. Thank you!

The makers of Tetris - for countless hours of distractions! Thank you!

Kristie - for understanding. Thank you!

Elizabeth & Laryy - for everything (and the gift certificate!) Thank you!

Lisa - for being a completely engaging and awesome teacher! Thank you!

Barbara - for brining real world appilications into the program. Thank you!

Doug - for being interesting, engaging and excellent. Marketing is cool. Thank you!

Paul - for being cool with my less-than-normal schedule. Thank you!

YA for being a super personal learning lab! Thank you!

VE for being a super learning lab after I outgrew YA! Thank you!

Jacky/Kitty - for snuggling and loving me even when I was a complete stressed out mess, for forgiving me on the days I forgot to feed you or neglected the kitty litter, And going for walks with me when I had to get away! Thank you!

Dear 'ole Dad and Mother Dear - for everything! THANK YOU!