Wednesday, April 06, 2005
BHAGs (aka Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goals)
Find a violin teacher
Learn the Vitali Chacone
Play Black Brown and Beige with a jazz band
Horeback riding lessons
Ballet lessons
Karate classes
Study philosophy
Study theology
Study fairy tales
Study astronomy
Get Brain gym certification
Get Andover certification
Update 1st aid cert.
Read for fun
Catch up on all the movies I haven't seen
Catch up on all the television I haven't seen
Find a place where I can truly fit in
Take an Outward Bound Trip (backpacking or sailing!)
Find a job that pays a living wage
Organize my stuff (perhaps the biggest BHAG!)
Publish something
Find a violin teacher
Learn the Vitali Chacone
Play Black Brown and Beige with a jazz band
Horeback riding lessons
Ballet lessons
Karate classes
Study philosophy
Study theology
Study fairy tales
Study astronomy
Get Brain gym certification
Get Andover certification
Update 1st aid cert.
Read for fun
Catch up on all the movies I haven't seen
Catch up on all the television I haven't seen
Find a place where I can truly fit in
Take an Outward Bound Trip (backpacking or sailing!)
Find a job that pays a living wage
Organize my stuff (perhaps the biggest BHAG!)
Publish something