Monday, March 21, 2005


Steph asked, “Who is your favorite Traveling Wilbury?”
Michael SchaddeeVanDooren introduced me to the Traveling Wilburys.
Michael was one of my Australian pen pals.
He also introduced me to Midnight Oil and Cold Chissel
Michael had good taste in music.
He played guitar and bass, and we tried to do a duet by mail (via tape recordings) but that never worked out right.

My favorite Traveling Wilbury tune is Wilbury Twist (with Cool Dry Place coming in as a close second).

But Steph asked about my favorite Traveling Wilbury, which of course is Bob Dylan. (A fabulous history proff, Dr. McMillian, introduced me to the wonders of Bob Dylan - but that's another story for another time).

Why? Because Bob Dylan is amazing at almost everything he does. (I know you like love George, but Bob is really really cool -- besides I'm a Minnesoooootian now, and Bob is kind of the hometown rock star).

And now, you've inspired me to go find my old T.W. tapes.
Thanks for the suggestion!!

Steph asked, “Do you find Rod Stewert sexy?”
Nah – he’s not my type

Steph asked, Do you consider the cello part of Pachelbel's Canon in D a fate worse than death?

Yes, unless I'm allowed to arpegiate, or play the transpose the violin part