Sunday, December 05, 2004
SMU wants me to write a "Systems Analysis Paper" of an arts organization.
It is supposed to take everything I’ve leanred (or forgotten) in the past two years – including financial management - and synthesize it into one big . . . thing.
Last summer (before Jo left) I selected and got approval to use YA as the topic organization.
At the time, I thought I could write all kinds of nice things, share some of my academic observations with Jo, and turn it all into a nice and easy paper. But, Jo's departure brought about so many changes (including me getting laid off!) That the warm fuzzy paper I would have written has long since wandered off into the sunset.
So . . . my first challenge, is to re-learn financial management (Or find an old Fin. Man. paper and plagerize myself into sounding smart!)
The second challegne is to write an objective paper about YA
I don't feel very objective
Writing about a different organizations is not an option – partly because of the lengthly approval process, partly because of the research involved.
You know I’m capable of doing this ...
In a way, it'll be kind of fun (one last chance to describe everything that's WRONG!) And if I can be objective enough, it might be fun to give a copy of the final paper to the new Exec. Dir. (who knows NOTHING about runing a non-profit) as a way of "helping her." [evil laugh].
If only the paper would magically come out of my fingers and into the computer.
I really don't feel like writing it. (Maybe I'll take a nap instead, and when I wake up little elves will have magically written it for me. It happens all the time in fairy tales, so there's no reason why it couldn't happen, right?)
My mother would tell me to quit procrastinating and start writing, but there's nothing wrong with taking a little nap --- just as an experiment, to investigate IF little elves DO come and help me out. It's scientific research, right??
It is supposed to take everything I’ve leanred (or forgotten) in the past two years – including financial management - and synthesize it into one big . . . thing.
Last summer (before Jo left) I selected and got approval to use YA as the topic organization.
At the time, I thought I could write all kinds of nice things, share some of my academic observations with Jo, and turn it all into a nice and easy paper. But, Jo's departure brought about so many changes (including me getting laid off!) That the warm fuzzy paper I would have written has long since wandered off into the sunset.
So . . . my first challenge, is to re-learn financial management (Or find an old Fin. Man. paper and plagerize myself into sounding smart!)
The second challegne is to write an objective paper about YA
I don't feel very objective
Writing about a different organizations is not an option – partly because of the lengthly approval process, partly because of the research involved.
You know I’m capable of doing this ...
In a way, it'll be kind of fun (one last chance to describe everything that's WRONG!) And if I can be objective enough, it might be fun to give a copy of the final paper to the new Exec. Dir. (who knows NOTHING about runing a non-profit) as a way of "helping her." [evil laugh].
If only the paper would magically come out of my fingers and into the computer.
I really don't feel like writing it. (Maybe I'll take a nap instead, and when I wake up little elves will have magically written it for me. It happens all the time in fairy tales, so there's no reason why it couldn't happen, right?)
My mother would tell me to quit procrastinating and start writing, but there's nothing wrong with taking a little nap --- just as an experiment, to investigate IF little elves DO come and help me out. It's scientific research, right??