Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tomorrow is supposed to be my last day at YA. My co-workers already took me out for a goodbye lunch and gave me the "have a nice life" card. I have been humming My Sundown all week as my "Goodbye to YA Theme Song."
It's time to go

But . . .

The new Execeutive Director called me into her office today, and asked me to stay on through JANUARY!! She hasn't yet hired anyone to be her lackey assistant, and doesn't expect to have a person in place any time soon.

After thinking about it for all of 20 seconds, I comitted staying through January 15. This means a few things
1. I'm still at YA for a little while longer
2. Holiday pay for all of next week (YIPEE!)
3. An extra one and a half paychecks
4. If VocalEssence comes through with a job offer, they'll just have to wait
5. Continued uncertainity on Planet Julie

I said my goodbyes this is my sundown.
I'm gonna be so much more than this.
With one hand high, you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.