Monday, October 04, 2004


Second in a continuting series

This months topic - Books!

1. Anything by Chaim Potok - This man is one of my ultimate heros. He understands me better than people that actually know me.
Chaim has a unique style of story telling which can initially seem tedious, but once you get over the need for plot and fall in love with the themes and charcters - it's all good.

My Chaim favorites are The Promise and The Gift of Asher Lev. (However, bother of those books are sequals, so you'd need to start with The Chosen or My Name is Asher Lev to really understand).

2.Anything by Mark Salzman. Everyting by Mark is amazing. (*AND* he's friends with Yo-yo Ma!!) If you're in the mood for Funny, try Lost in Place, Growing up Absurd in Suburbia. For something more serious there's Lying Awake or True Notebooks. (But everything he writes is wrothwhile!)

Next months recomendation - FOOD!