Wednesday, September 08, 2004

When I was in 4th/5th/6th grade, Dear Old Dad had some pretty serious health issues. He was in a lotta pain, and off work. Money was tight. Lots of things were uncertain.

But I really really enjoyed having Dear Old Dad at home durring the day.

I loved when he occassionally drove me to school. (Once rehab began, he started walking me to the bus stop instead).
I loved watching TV with him after school.
I loved the little notes/drawings he sometimes made for my lunchbox.
I loved our time alone in the morning before the other kids had to get up.

Don't misunderstand - It was a crummy, horrible, rotten time. (Holidays in the hospital, bouncing around to relatives, etc.) but having Dear Old Dad around was nice.
These previously forgotten memories are brought to you today through the inpiration of Pomegranates and Paper. A daughter (who just happens to be named Julia!) also enjoyed having Dad off work for a while. Thanks for reminding me of "The Silver Lining"