Monday, May 10, 2004

Cross Your Fingers!

Background Info: The current Program Director at Young Audiences is leaving to have a baby. The Program Director works directly with our artists and the schools to design and implement arts-in-education programs. (Just the kind of thing I want to do!)

Email From My Boss to Me:
I've attached a copy of the Program Director job description fyi. We haven't posted the position, but are accepting resumes from qualified individuals who are referred to us. If you know anyone who might be qualified, feel free to pass this along.

My Reply:
As one who is intimately familiar with school/teacher needs, very familiar with the work of Young Audiences, and months away from a Master's in Arts Administration -- Would I be considered a "qualified individual" if I referred myself for Kate's job? Nervously awaiting her response . . . Cross your fingers!

Boss just called (she's been out of the office). We are going to chat tomorrow morning! YIPEE!
UPDATED UPDATE Both Boss and I have been busy, (I have 40 little grant applications going out before the end of May) and have not had time to sit down and talk yet. Maybe next week ???