Saturday, April 03, 2004

Spring Break To Do List
- Update Resume - I've sent out more than a dozen resumes in the past 6 months and haven't gotten any nibbles. So I'm scraping the whole thing and just start over.

- Taxes - 2003 was the first year I didn't teach privately - this means I won't have to pay Self Employment Taxes - I might even get a REFUND!

- Homework (ugh) one paper, one mini paper and one presentation. (And then I'm done with this semester!) whoo-hoo!

- My car is finally going to get fixed (yipee!) The insurance companies and body shop have been arguing with each other all month. Quit fighting and fix my car (please?)

- Find a summer internship (ugh!) I've been putting this off - - I can not get excited about anything other than finding a REAL job. No more of this dinky little intern stuff - give me REAL work.

- Rest. This kid's ready for a day off from life. (And isn't that what's SUPPOSED to happen over break?) I'm contemplating a trip to Danforth to just breathe and hang out with the MacD. family - but they are probably busy with Easter and stuff - so we'll see.