Friday, April 11, 2003

Spring Break began at 4:01 this afternoon!!!!!!! BUT . . . due to a severe case of spring fever (complicated by general procrastination and moderate disinterest) I'll be spending the next 71 hours chained to my computer banging out two big 'ole papers. If I survive I'll be back on Monday (if this blog goes quiet - blame Larry for the dumb assingments!!!)
On a side note - there should be a funny picture which fits my mood perfectly - up at the top of this post -I don't understand why it isn't showing up . . . hhhhhhmmmmmmm?!?!

UPDATE: [insert sigh of relief here] The BIG BIG paper is done!! (yipee!!) The other paper isn't due until Thursday (shoulda read the syllabus!!) yipee!! yippee! yippee!