Wednesday, March 26, 2003

I have been teaching without a license since September (bad Julie, bad bad!) Actually, I do have a license, - it's just not for the state in which I happen to be teaching!! (I'm qualified to get one - just too lazy to bother with all the red tape and fees involved). On Monday, the licensing people notified my principal that I was not "in compliance" and supposedly were going to post my lack of credientials on their website (but they don't mention my position at all -- interesting!) Anway, because I like getting a paycheck, I spent this morning getting the paperwork together for my criminal background check.
Step one - get a cashiers check made out to Bereau of Criminal Apprehension. (The look on the tellers face when she read that was great!!)
Step two get fingerprinted (kinda cool, very messy, and nothing like what happens on TV - one has to stand behind the police officer while they take the prints). My friendly policeman offered to take mug shots too - - but I think having my fingerprints on file with the FBI is enough excitement for one day! It takes 6-8 weeks to process the application - so I might be certified by the end of the school year!